September 21—22, 2024

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"Tis But a Scratch"


Raised to Goal of $400.00


2024 Wilmot Warrior Weekend

"Tis But a Scratch"

Dear Family, Friends, and Associates,

My name is Glenn Fried.  I am proud to participate in the Wilmot Warrior Weekend on September 21 – 22, 2024, in Rochester, NY.  For a detailed description of this event, click on this link: pg=informational&fr_id=1495&type=fr_informational&sid=1191 The Wilmot Warrior Weekend (WWW) is more than just a first-class cycling, walk, and running event – it’s a celebration and movement fueled to create new lifesaving treatments and cures for cancer patients in New York and around the world. All fundraising will advance world class cancer research and survivorship programs at the Wilmot Cancer Institute and the University of Rochester. 

Please consider supporting my efforts by donating to this fundraiser to “Leave Cancer in the Dust!”  

My Story

In May 2021, a team of oncologists, surgeons, and GI Specialists at Strong Memorial Hospital-Wilmot Cancer Center in Rochester, NY, confirmed a diagnosis of Pancreatic Acinar Cell Carcinoma (PACC) for me. According to a research article, “Pancreatic Acinar Cell Carcinoma: A Comprehensive Review” published in The World Journal of Gastroenterology (October 2022), there are several types on pancreatic cancer. The type which I presented, PACC, is considered very rare and aggressive. Of all of the cases of pancreatic cancer diagnosed annually, only 1-2% of the cases are PACC. My case was assessed as Stage 2, Borderline Resectable (possible for surgery) because the tumor was nestled against a blood vessel. The tumor had to shrink away from the vessel to prevent excessive bleeding during surgery. My medical team prescribed 2 months of chemotherapy. Prior to surgery, I received 2 months of infusions of FOLFIRINOX ( a very strong concoction of chemicals. In early Fall 2021, scans revealed that the tumor shrunk enough to proceed with surgery called the Whipple Procedure. The Whipple is described by the medical profession as one of the 3 most complicated of all surgeries performed . On October 12, 2021, during surgery, the tumor and a portion of the pancreas, 20% of the stomach, part of bile duct, the duodenum (part of the small intestine) were removed and 10 lymph nodes were biopsied. The second part of the surgery involved reconnecting/reconstructing the digestive system to make it functional. The procedure lasted approximately 8 hours. 11 days later, I was discharged and after a short period of recovery and rehab, I received 4 more months of FOLFIRINOX chemotherapy. “The median survival rate for PACC patients having surgery is 36 months and another study indicated that median survival rate for those who had surgery is 47 months…and a 5-year survival rate ranging from 36.2%% to 72.8%…” I am grateful and pleased to report that 2 1/2 years after surgery , CT scans indicate no evidence of malignancy reoccurrence. 

With the above details. I want you to know why I am participating in this event as well as to ask you for your support:

I want to wage another battle against cancer!

At last year’s Wilmot Warrior Weekend, the surgeon who performed the Whipple Procedure for me, Dr. David Linehan, rode his bike 57 miles in this inaugural bike ride and raised over $8,000. In the past three years, my family has contributed $3,000 for Cancer Research. During a recent checkup appointment with Dr. Linehan, he challenged me to participate in the upcoming September 2024 event.  He indicated that I could walk, bike, run, or become a  volunteer to assist helping with the event (e.g., preparing participant packages, checking participants in, passing out water to participants along the walk, race, bike courses, etc.)

I like a good challenge!  Right now my goal is to ride a bike—something I haven’t done in years.  The past two years have left me a little beaten up, but I have started an exercise program and hope to start biking sometime soon.   If my body doesn’t cooperate, I’ll walk or volunteer to help other participants.  I am committed to raising a lot of money for cancer research. 

Why do I want to raise funds for Cancer Research? This goal isn’t about me. I have been a very fortunate beneficiary of prior research and clinical trials. The research conducted at Wilmot doesn’t just benefit the patients treated at this facility As with all other research institutions, the studies benefit individuals worldwide. It may benefit you someday. It may prove life-saving for a loved one—spouse, child, grandchild, parent, grandparent, cousin, aunt or uncle, friend, co- worker, or people thousands of miles away. 

Please  consider supporting me.  Share this with your family and friends…any and all!  They don’t have to know me. Together we can make a difference!  By supporting cancer research and survivor programs, we can play a significant part in the discovery of new and innovative curing techniques, treatments, and interventions. 

I want to be a part of the healing solution.  I will keep you posted on my progress preparing for this event. 

I have named my Team, “‘Tis But a Scratch.”  The 1975 film, “Monty Python and the Holy Grail,” is viewed by millions as a quintessential cinematic satire of the Medieval Time Period and the Legends of King Arthur and his Court.  The movie, in its entirety, can be easily accessed via the Internet.  Should you decide to watch this for the first time or 700th, be warned—You may laugh so much and hard that you could wet your pants!  The name of my team is derived from the scene when King Arthur attempts to cross a bridge guarded by the Black Knight who refuses to let the King cross.  A sword fight ensues during which Arthur systematically cuts off various parts of the Knights body—REMEMBER THIS IS SATIRE!  As each limb is lopped off, the Knight exclaims, “‘Tis but a “Scratch,” “A Mere Flesh Wound,” “I’ve Had Worse,” and so on. Here’s a link to this scene:

After my 60 hospitalizations,13 surgeries ,(including quadruple bypass and Whipple), 26 heart catheterizations, 9 coronary artery stents, and a few implants (pacemakers, chemotherapy port, titanium plates and screws, etc.) “Tis But a Scratch” seems like an appropriate name for my team!

I hope that you will become a part of this effort.  I really hope to exceed my goal for fundraising. 

How to Donate:

Click to Donation Page:

If you would like to join my team and ride your bike alongside me, please email me to receive instructions and details. 

Stay safe and be well…and stay tuned!

Glenn F. Fried  

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