September 21—22, 2024

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Maya's Revenge


Raised to Goal of $400.00


2024 Wilmot Warrior Weekend

Maya's Revenge

We are all proud to participate in the Wilmot Warrior Weekend on September 21st & 22nd, 2024 in Rochester, NY. 

Wilmot Warrior Weekend is more than just a first-class cycling, walk, and running event – it’s a celebration and movement fueled to create new life saving treatments and cures for cancer patients in New York and around the world.

We've lost friends and family to cancer. My wife does her part in Wilmot research every day. This is a chance for the boys and myself to show our appreciation for her work and help out in any way we can. 

In the past year, our kids learned how quickly cancer can take over when one of our dogs was diagnosed with it at 2 years old. Maya was given an 8 week prognosis in August but stayed with us until the end of January. When the time came though, she went from a happy girl to crossing the rainbow bridge in about 24 hours. Because of the fight she put up against cancer and the love for that beautiful little girl, the boys wanted to dedicate the team name to her, and Maya's Revenge was born.

All fundraising will advance world class cancer research and survivorship programs at the Wilmot Cancer Institute and the University of Rochester. Please consider supporting my efforts by donating to my fundraiser and let’s leave cancer in the dust.


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