Welcome to the page of
Clare Flanagan
Raised to Goal of $250.00
Ride: Wilmot Breakaway 25 Mile Ride
Welcome to My Story
Thank you to all who are supporting this effort to raise dollars for cancer research! I am proud to participate in the Wilmot Warrior Weekend THIS WEEKEND, in Rochester, NY. Wilmot Warrior Weekend is more than just a first-class cycling, walk, and running event – it’s a celebration and movement fueled to create new life saving treatments and cures for cancer patients in New York and around the world.
I'm participating in memory of my mother Joanne Flanagan and my brother Joseph Flanagan as well as in honor of my friends, colleagues and community who have had to fight a cancer diagnosis.
I need a wee bit more support to meet our team goal - only $520 to go. If you are inclined to join me in spirit in supporting cancer research, Wilmot Cancer Institute is the place. We place high value on team and collaborative science, bringing together multiple disciplines to add diverse thought and creativity to apply to science.
Let's leave cancer in the dust!
DONATE HERE: https://teamraiser.rochester.edu/site/TR/TeamRaiserTemplate/General?px=1053945&pg=personal&fr_id=1495
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