September 21—22, 2024

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The Force is Strong with This Run


Raised to Goal of $1,000.00


Wilmot Warrior Weekend

The Force is Strong with This Run

It's hard to believe it's been 10 years since two of the biggest events of my life happened: I got married and then my husband found out he had stage 2 esophageal cancer. 

Kevin had chemo and radiation in the fall and then had an esophagectomy in December 2013. Ten years later, we are so lucky that he continues to be healthy, with no signs of cancer. Since our wedding and his cancer diagnosis, we have also grown our family, with Amelia born in 2016 and Lucas born in 2022. 

None of this life we live today would have been possible without the research and clinical trials that came before Kevin's diagnosis. It also would not be possible without Kevin's own advocacy for himself. U

Anyone who knows Kevin knows he's a big Star Wars nerd. So that's where our team name comes from. Don't let the name discourage you from participating - we take runners, walkers, bikers - you can even just donate and not get off the couch at all! 

Your support helps further advance cancer treatments and save more lives. So that others can be as fortunate as we have been over the last 10 years! 

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