We have created this team page for our son Ellis who was born over a month early on 02/17 and spent 10 days in the NICU at Strong. We had such a wonderful experience in the NICU despite it being one of the largest challenges we’ve ever faced. We are so grateful for the staff and resources available in the NICU.
We named our team “team hiccups” because Ellis had near constant hiccups in the NICU (staff would often say, he has the hiccups again?) and because our NICU stay seemed to have a lot of hiccups with ever changing discharge dates and many ups and downs.
Please consider joining us on June 1st or donating so other families can benefit from the wonderful resources that we had access to throughout his stay in the NICU.
❤ Alex and Shannon
The annual Stroll for Strong Kids Walk and 5K Run will be held on June 1, 2024, where Golisano Children's Hospital supporters will enjoy a family-friendly atmosphere full of activities.