4th Annual Dr. Bernard Guyer Lectureship in Public Health

Tuesday, October 14, 2014
5:30 PM - 6:30 PM
Helen Wood Hall Auditorium


"Tackling Worldwide Health Inequities: Is the evidence failing us?"

The contributing factors to the widening global social and health inequalities are complex, and solutions are slow in coming. To date, the large body of public health research on inequalities has failed to yield strong evidence to support solutions. This thought-provoking talk will explore the reasons for this failure, and suggest a way forward to ensure that research and the resulting evidence has a greater impact on reducing health inequities. It may change the way you think about health inequalities and what it takes to close the gap.

Patricia O’Campo, Ph.D.
Chair, Intersectoral Solutions to Urban Health Problems
Director, St. Michael’s Centre for Research on Inner City Health
Professor, Dalla Lana School of Public Health Sciences, University of Toronto
Reception immediately following lecture in Saunders Research Building Atrium.


ASL interpreters or other accomodations are available upon request.
Contact Donna Drews with requests and/or questions.

(Parking is available in the Saunders Research Building Visitors Lot.)

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